Here are some of the things that people have kindly said about The Rise and Fall of the Knights Templar. My thanks to them for the following:
(Letter sent to Spellmount, re. first edition hardback)
I have just completed reading Gordon Napier’s book entitled “The Rise and Fall of the Knights Templar”. I found the book to be a wonderful read on this fascinating subject. Mr. Napier is a fluid and entertaining writer. I learned a great deal from his efforts. If possible, please convey to him my admiration for his book.
Steven Grossman, Professor (Biochemistry), University of South Florida
(Reviews from, re. first edition hardback)
'This book is very easy to read and well thought-out. Mr Napier expertly introduces you to the myriad of influences on both sides of the Crusades, from the call of the First Crusade to the fall of Acre. Finally, he takes the reader through the events that led up to, and after, the arrests and imprisonment of the Templars in 1307. Perhaps the greatest things the author brings to this book is his own obviously extensive research and also what must be a keen interest. Although the topics can be overwhelming, he takes his time to ensure that the reader has a firm grasp of concepts. A great addition for anyone from history buffs to acomplished scholars.
The book holds such a wonderful blend of simplicity, yet substance... two BIG thumbs up!!'
nsfilms, Oregon, USA
As a new comer to the world of the templars this book was informative and interesting it brought to life some of the horrors of the crusades and the life the knight and members of the order had whilst in middle and on into europe
Weatherwax, UK.
(Reviews from, re. second edition paperback)
'I always hated history as a kid, so i have a lot of catching up to do. I have been led on a journey that i thought would take a couple of years to complete. From Virgil and Homer, to Dante and more modern works from Baigent, Anthony Beevor and William L Shirer. This journey will never end all the while there are books like The Rise and Fall of the Knights Templar. Some history books are more heavily laced with personal opinion than others. This book seems to deal with the facts as far as my cross referencing shows, which if I'm honest could have gone alot further. But it has tempted me in to reading alot more on the subject, and that cannot be a bad thing.'
Karl Kavanagh, Leeds UK.
'I recommend this book to anyone who wants to know about the Templar's as it is full of interesting facts presented in a way that makes it an enjoyable read as well (explains what happens and why rather than assuming you already know key events so its not a heavy read).'
Manic Mike 'MM', England.
'An excellent read. Having heard them mentioned in 'The Da Vinci Code' (film and book), and having visited temple church in London I was fascinated to learn a little more about them. This book is heavily laced with names and dates and direct extracts from writings of the time. It lays open several possibilities for their demise without the author ever really needing to force his own opinion on you. It's certainly left me wanting to know more about them.'
A.J. Collantine, Cheshire, UK.
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